Want To Sell Like A Pro, Overcome Objections Effortlessly, And Close Consistently?

Learn To Control The Sales Conversation From Start To Finish

In the sales academy, you learn the top skills of elite sales closers.

No more struggling with objections, but closing more deals and getting more clients.

The result? Turning more conversations into money and becoming a talking ATM.

BOOK Your Clarity Call

The Power Of The Sales Academy

Do you also want to...

● Learning how to transform objections into final yes'es?

● Confidently lead a sales conversation so that you don't leave money on the table.

Booking more calls through conversations in the inbox (DMs)?

Learn how to deal with the 10 most common objections? (money, time, partner,...)

And all of this in a way that feels right and doesn't come across as pushy?

● Get skills that will make you money for the rest of your life?

In other words, create more freedom for yourself and other people.

If you're nodding your head, keep reading...

My Story 

You know what's frustrating? When you are on a sales call and you know a prospect needs your help and despite your best intentions and efforts …

You are just not able to overcome their objections and close them. You have some hope when they say they ‘have to think about it’ but the next day you get a message that’s it’s just a NO for now. The call turns out to just become a ‘friendly chat’ where no decision is made.

You see the person a year later being stuck even more or .. even worse you see the person invested in another coach or consultant who was able to close them.

You’re starting to doubt yourself and your service and banging your head against the wall why nobody is making the payment and buying.

I get it. I used to be in the same position.

Until I decided I needed to step up as a sales leader. So I got help from the best elite closers out there to know how to handle every single step in the sales process.

And more importantly, overcome those pesky smokescreen objections and actual close and commitment on the call.

Now I close 40% of my sales calls on offers up to $15k. Want to also learn how I did it? Well then, read on …  

You Also Want This But...

You're not sure how to book sales calls?

You don't know what sequence to follow in a sales call?

• You don't want to sound too scripted?

• You want to sell in an ethical way without coming across as a sleazy car salesman?

I get it, I was facing the same questions and doubts not so long ago...

But that's exactly why I created this academy!

In The Client Closer Academy We`ll Teach You The 3 Elements Of Successful Sales

Book More Sales Calls

Set More Appointments Through The DM`s With Naturally Flowing Conversations.

Lead The Sales Call

Learn My Step-By-Step Sales Sequence To Take Control Of The Sales Conversation From Start To Close.

Overcome Objections And Close The Deal

Effortlessly Conquer Objections And Secure The Final 'YES'. 

The Sales Academy

The place where you learn how to navigate sales conversations, overcome objections, and get more yeses.

In these modules, you will learn:

✓ How to book calls and sell through private messages in an authentic way without coming across as pushy

✓ The easy-to-follow sales sequence so you're in control of the conversation.

✓ The exact words to say and questions to ask to keep the prospect hooked.

✓ How to prevent objections beforehand.

✓ How to negotiate better deals.

✓ How to use your body language, tonality, and state to build rapport and get more sales.

✓ Simple strategies on how to deal with sales resistance

✓ How to easily overcome the 10 most common objections (money, think about it, not the right time, needing a partner's decision, , etc.)

How to close 50% of your sales calls and get the final handshake.

 In short, in this module, we show you the elite secrets of world-class closers. You'll learn appointment setting to book more calls, leading the sales calls with confidence and effortlessly overcoming objections.

And all of this without forcing your offer down someone's throat. Are you ready to 10x your sales skills, get more clients, and close more deals?

What Makes The Sales Academy Different Than Other Programs? 

✓ We focus on practical steps that deliver real results. You won't find any fluff or filler here – only proven strategies you need to succeed in your online coaching business. Every lesson has actionable worksheets.

✓ We teach you how to handle every single objection out there, from the most common like money, time, and partner to scam, 'just looking around', lack of self-confidence, social proof,....

✓ We don't provide spam scripts to book more appointments but teach you the essential relationship and communication skills to have consistent solid bookings.

✓ We don't just teach you the tactics, but also the mindset of a successful elite closer.

BOOK Your Clarity Call

What Results Can You Expect?

  • Learn the in-and-outs of successful sales.

  • Never run out of things to say in a sales conversation.

  • Get solid bookings every week through appointment setting in the DM's.
  • Increase your closing ratio massively (We're aiming for at least 30%)

  • Scale to 5-figure-months so you can do even more of what you want in a way that feels good to you while inspiring other people and changing their lives.

    Ready to make your dreams a reality?

Why Should You Trust Me?

Filip has been the fairy godfather for 200+ coaches and consultants, miraculously transforming all aspects of their business and personal life—with way less effort than they ever imagined.

He's like a lighthouse of truth and common sense in the shaky seas of the online coaching world.

Surrounded by marketing fluff, false expectations, and delusions, he's hailed for his authentic and down-to-earth approach.

If you're craving a practical, no-nonsense coach who genuinely cares but won't shy away from calling you out on your BS and excuses...

If you're longing for someone who won't just blow smoke up your ass but will hand you sustainable strategies that actually work...

And if you're not aiming to be a carbon copy coach, but a true rebel with a cause, putting impact and integrity above all else, then you'll find your tribe with Fil's coaching programs.

BOOK Your Clarity Call

Don`t Believe Me? Here`s What Our Members Have To Say...

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Femininity Coach

Sales Coach

Lifestyle Mentor

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Sobriety Coach

Relationship Coach

Accountability Coach

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Nutrition Coach

Hacking Coach

Breakdancing Coach

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

Tech Consultant

Movement Coach

Productivity Coach

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Google Ads Consultant

Sales Coach

Mindset Coach

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Real Estate Coach

Productivity Coach


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Femininity Coach

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Sales Coach

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Lifestyle Mentor

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Sobriety Coach

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Relationship Coach

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Accountability Coach

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Nutrition Coach

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Hacking Coach

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Breakdancing Coach

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Tech Consultant

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Movement Coach

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Productivity Coach

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Google Ads Consultant

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Sales Coach

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Mindset Coach

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Real Estate Coach

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Productivity Coach

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Training Background Filip

・The Elite Consulting Accelerator - Bastiaan Slot (2024)
・The Objection Box – Bill Walsh (2023)
・NEPQ (Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning) – Jeremy Miner 7th Level (2023)
・NLP For Sales – Eli Wilde (2023)
・Copy School – Copy Hackers (2023)
・Sales Mentorship – Vigorous And Venture  (2023)
・Freedom Freelancing - Stefan Maskinovic (2023)
・Awesome Creator Academy (YouTube) – Roberto Blake (2022-2023)
・Video Ranking Academy (YouTube) – Think Media (2022-2023)
・Impact Sales – Valentin Junger (2022)
・Millionaire Consulting – Bastiaan Slot (2021)
・Absolutely Everything Pass – Kyle Cease (2021)
・The Membership Academy - Mike Morrison & Callie Willows (2020)
・The Membership Society- Desislava Dobreva (2020)
・Personality Typing (MBTI) - Chase S. Joseph (2019)
・Sales Confidence University – Paloma Lev (2019)
・Magnetic Marketing Secrets - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Stories That Sell - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Master Of Enrollment – Bill Barron (2017)
・NLP – Life Coaching Academy (2017)
・Non-Violent Communication Year Training - Huis Voor Verbinding  (2016-2017)
・Anthony Aramini – Sales Mentorship (2016)
・Stopwatch Copywriting - Jason Fladlien (2015)
・Life Coaching Course – Laudius (2014)
・Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker (2014)

・The Elite Consulting Accelerator - Bastiaan Slot (2024)
・The Objection Box – Bill Walsh (2023)
・NEPQ (Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning) – Jeremy Miner 7th Level (2023)
・NLP For Sales – Eli Wilde (2023)
・Copy School – Copy Hackers (2023)
・Sales Mentorship – Vigorous And Venture  (2023)
・Freedom Freelancing - Stefan Maskinovic (2023)
・Awesome Creator Academy (YouTube) – Roberto Blake (2022-2023)
・Video Ranking Academy (YouTube) – Think Media (2022-2023)
・Impact Sales – Valentin Junger (2022)
・Millionaire Consulting – Bastiaan Slot (2021)
・Absolutely Everything Pass – Kyle Cease (2021)
・The Membership Academy - Mike Morrison & Callie Willows (2020)
・The Membership Society- Desislava Dobreva (2020)
・Personality Typing (MBTI) - Chase S. Joseph (2019)
・Sales Confidence University – Paloma Lev (2019)
・Magnetic Marketing Secrets - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Stories That Sell - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Master Of Enrollment – Bill Barron (2017)
・NLP – Life Coaching Academy (2017)
・Non-Violent Communication Year Training - Huis Voor Verbinding  (2016-2017)
・Anthony Aramini – Sales Mentorship (2016)
・Stopwatch Copywriting - Jason Fladlien (2015)
・Life Coaching Course – Laudius (2014)
・Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker (2014)

Here`s Everything You`ll Get When You Join The Sales Academy

1-Year Access To Impactful Courses

Effective courses with short, straight-to-the point lessons with the most successful strategies on sales.

Available On App

All courses and lessons can be watched on mobile to make sure you find enough time to go through the material.

Practical Worksheets

The most powerful and effective exercises and chapters that explain step by step how to achieve results quickly.

Client Closer Community

Get feedback, ask for tips, and network with other like-minded coaches and consultants.

Kick-Off Call

A personal call with Filip where he'll give you some tips and pointers of what to focus on first.

Who Is This For?

✅ Coaches serious about growing their online coaching business.
✅ Coaches ready to invest in themselves and their business.
✅ Coaches committed to taking action and implementing the strategies.
But it's NOT for:
❌ Those looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
❌ Coaches who aren't willing to put in the work
BOOK Your Clarity Call

Who Is This For?

✅ Coaches serious about growing their online coaching business.
✅ Coaches ready to invest in themselves and their business.
✅ Coaches committed to taking action and implementing the strategies.
But it's NOT for:
❌ Those looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
❌ Coaches who aren't willing to put in the work

Why Act Now?

I am in the process of upgrading all the current courses of the Academy and adding new courses. I always want to make sure you have the latest and most effective strategies to have the best results in the least amount of time.

So if you like to get in at the lowest investment it will ever be, now is the best time, because soon when a new course is added the price will go up by 20%.









You Have 2 Options Now

Imagine standing at a crossroads that will define your sales destiny. Two paths lie before you: the blue pill and the red pill. Which will you choose?

The blue pill leads you down a familiar, lonely road of trial and error, with no guidance or proven strategies. You don't know how to close, get prospects to commit and you stay stuck in follow up hell.

Choose the red pill, and you're catapulted into a world where you learn the art of objection jiu-jitsu where you know how to massage into resistance into a final payment.

You know how to book solid calls, lead the sales convo and consistently enroll clients into your offer.

The choice is yours. Your coaching future hangs in the balance. Choose wisely.

Book Your Clarity Call Now!

⬇ Let`s Find Out If The Sales Academy Is Something You Need