Want To Become An Amazing Coach?

Learn How To Get Maximum Results For Your Clients 

In this course, you learn everything to be that catalyst of change for your clients. You learn how to transform lives and truly make an impact. You'll know how to make a difference with the best communication and mindset tools that'll navigate your clients to success.

The result? Confidence in yourself, your service, great testimonials, a thriving community, and (ex)-clients who are your raving fans and best brand ambassadors.

Get The FREE Course!

The Power Of The Coaching Academy

Do you also want to...

● Know how to have transformative coaching sessions?

● Learn how to maximize results?

● Figure out how to deal with difficult clients?

● Overcome imposter syndrome?

● Know how to deliver a great onboarding experience?

● Build a thriving community?

● Get more referrals?

● Figure out your deeper why?

And all of this in a way that feels right and aligns with your unique personality?

If you're nodding your head, keep reading...

My Story 

When I first started as a coach, I hit a lot of roadblocks. Dealing with clients who were resistant or unengaged made me seriously doubt whether coaching was the right career for me.

I just didn't have the right tools or mindset to handle the challenges that came my way, and it felt like I was constantly struggling.

Determined to overcome these hurdles, I turned to those who had mastered the craft. I was coached by numerous seasoned professionals and poured through top-rated books on coaching.

This deep dive into learning didn’t just change my methods—it changed me.

Gradually, the results began to show. My clients were achieving their goals, and my confidence soared as the doubts that had once plagued me faded away.

Today, I’ve had the privilege of coaching over 100 clients, and this journey has allowed me to live a life of freedom and independence. I’ve crafted a coaching business that lets me work from anywhere in the world, offering not just transformation for my clients but also freedom for myself.

Now, I’m passionate about sharing the powerful insights and strategies I’ve learned. I want to show the secrets  how to harness your potential and make a real impact, just as I have learned to do.

In This Coaching Course We`ll Teach You The Elements Of Successful Coaching

Give Great Coaching Sessions

Learn The Mindset And Communication Tools To Transform Lives.

Maximize Client Results

Get The Exact Methods To Promote Action And Growth In Your Clients.

Build A Thriving Community

Create A Powerful Group Atmosphere Where Members Mutually Support Each Other.

Get Great Referrals

Become The #1 Recommendation Of Your Clients And Get More People Enrolled in Your Programs.

Lay The Foundations Of A Successful Coaching Career

The place to learn how to become a coach that truly changes lives and makes an impact.

In these modules, you will learn:

✓ How to give the most effective coaching sessions.

✓ The best communication tools to maximize results in your clients.

✓ What to do with lazy and defensive clients.

✓ How to deliver a fantastic client onboarding experience.

✓ How to set up contracts.

✓ How to build a thriving community.

✓ How to get great referrals.

In short, in this module, we give you the transformative tools to bring out the best in yourself and your clients.

 The Coaching Bible

The Ultimate Guide With The Most Effective Communication Tools To Transform Lives

25-page guide where we'll show you how to:
・ Ask the right questions
・ Reframe for better outcomes
・ Use communication techniques to promote change
・ How to set goals
・ Explore options
・ Help making decisions
・ Strengthen confidence
・ Map out milestones
・ Hold them accountable
・ Move your clients to action

25-page guide where we'll show you how to:
・ Ask the right questions
・ Reframe for better outcomes
・ Use communication techniques to promote change
・ How to set goals
・ Explore options
・ Help making decisions
・ Strengthen confidence
・ Map out milestones
・ Hold them accountable
・ Move your clients to action

And You'll Also Learn How To...

Choose Your Profitable Niche

Talk To Your Ideal Client So You Can Earn Well And Serve Well. 

Create A Powerful Pitch

Present Your Persuasive Brand That Stands Out And Attracts Ideal Clients

Craft A Successful Content Strategy

Find Out The Key Ingredients For A Scalable Content Strategy That Brings In Clients On Demand

What Makes The Course Different Than Other Programs? 

 We give you practical steps that deliver real results. You won't find any fluff or filler here – only proven strategies you need to succeed in your online coaching business. Every lesson has actionable worksheets.

✓ We give you tips on communication and mindset so get the right tools and attitude for coaching.

✓ We also included tips on nailing your niche, pitch, and social media strategy. Plus how to handle imposers syndrome and finding your deeper why so you have a strong foundations to build a sustainable coaching career.

✓ You'll also get access to a community of like-minded coaches & consultants to get feedback on branding, content & offer creation, and sales.

Get The FREE Course!

Why Should You Trust Me?

Filip has been the fairy godfather for 200+ coaches and consultants, miraculously transforming all aspects of their business and personal life—with way less effort than they ever imagined.

He has been helping coaches & consultants gain more freedom and income for themselves for over 8 years.

Surrounded by marketing fluff, false expectations, and delusions, he's hailed for his authentic and down-to-earth approach.

If you're craving a practical, no-nonsense coach who genuinely cares but won't shy away from calling you out on your BS and excuses...

If you're longing for someone who won't just blow smoke up your ass but will hand you sustainable strategies that actually work...

And if you're not aiming to be a carbon copy coach, but a true rebel with a cause, putting impact and integrity above all else, then you'll find your tribe with Fil's coaching programs.

Why Should You Trust Me?

Filip has been the fairy godfather for 200+ coaches and consultants, miraculously transforming all aspects of their business and personal life—with way less effort than they ever imagined.

He has been helping coaches & consultants gain more freedom and income for themselves for over 8 years.

Surrounded by marketing fluff, false expectations, and delusions, he's hailed for his authentic and down-to-earth approach.

If you're craving a practical, no-nonsense coach who genuinely cares but won't shy away from calling you out on your BS and excuses...

If you're longing for someone who won't just blow smoke up your ass but will hand you sustainable strategies that actually work...

And if you're not aiming to be a carbon copy coach, but a true rebel with a cause, putting impact and integrity above all else, then you'll find your tribe with Fil's coaching programs.

Don`t Believe Me? Here`s What Our Members Have To Say...

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Femininity Coach

Sales Coach

Lifestyle Mentor

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Sobriety Coach

Relationship Coach

Accountability Coach

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Nutrition Coach

Hacking Coach

Breakdancing Coach

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

Tech Consultant

Movement Coach

Productivity Coach

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Google Ads Consultant

Sales Coach

Mindset Coach

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Real Estate Coach

Productivity Coach


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Femininity Coach

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Sales Coach

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Lifestyle Mentor

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Sobriety Coach

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Relationship Coach

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Accountability Coach

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Nutrition Coach

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Hacking Coach

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Breakdancing Coach

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Tech Consultant

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Movement Coach

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Productivity Coach

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Google Ads Consultant

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Sales Coach

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Mindset Coach

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Real Estate Coach

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Productivity Coach

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Training Background Filip

・The Elite Consulting Accelerator - Bastiaan Slot (2024)
・The Objection Box – Bill Walsh (2023)
・NEPQ (Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning) – Jeremy Miner 7th Level (2023)
・NLP For Sales – Eli Wilde (2023)
・Copy School – Copy Hackers (2023)
・Sales Mentorship – Vigorous And Venture  (2023)
・Freedom Freelancing - Stefan Maskinovic (2023)
・Awesome Creator Academy (YouTube) – Roberto Blake (2022-2023)
・Video Ranking Academy (YouTube) – Think Media (2022-2023)
・Impact Sales – Valentin Junger (2022)
・Millionaire Consulting – Bastiaan Slot  (2021)
・Absolutely Everything Pass – Kyle Cease (202)
・The Membership Academy - Mike Morrison & Callie Willows (2020)
・The Membership Society- Desislava Dobreva (2020)
・Personality Typing (MBTI) - Chase S. Joseph (2019)
・Sales Confidence University – Paloma Lev (2019)
・Magnetic Marketing Secrets - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Stories That Sell - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Master Of Enrollment – Bill Barron (2017)
・NLP – Life Coaching Academy (2017)
・Non-Violent Communication Year Training - Huis Voor Verbinding  (2016-2017)
・Anthony Aramini – Sales Mentorship (2016)
・Stopwatch Copywriting - Jason Fladlien (2015)
・Life Coaching Course – Laudius (2014)
・Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker (2014)

・The Elite Consulting Accelerator - Bastiaan Slot (2024)
・The Objection Box – Bill Walsh (2023)
・NEPQ (Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning) – Jeremy Miner 7th Level (2023)
・NLP For Sales – Eli Wilde (2023)
・Copy School – Copy Hackers (2023)
・Sales Mentorship – Vigorous And Venture  (2023)
・Freedom Freelancing - Stefan Maskinovic (2023)
・Awesome Creator Academy (YouTube) – Roberto Blake (2022-2023)
・Video Ranking Academy (YouTube) – Think Media (2022-2023)
・Impact Sales – Valentin Junger (2022)
・Millionaire Consulting – Bastiaan Slot  (2021)
・Absolutely Everything Pass – Kyle Cease (202)
・The Membership Academy - Mike Morrison & Callie Willows (2020)
・The Membership Society- Desislava Dobreva (2020)
・Personality Typing (MBTI) - Chase S. Joseph (2019)
・Sales Confidence University – Paloma Lev (2019)
・Magnetic Marketing Secrets - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Stories That Sell - Lauren Raye Gordon (2018)
・Master Of Enrollment – Bill Barron (2017)
・NLP – Life Coaching Academy (2017)
・Non-Violent Communication Year Training - Huis Voor Verbinding  (2016-2017)
・Anthony Aramini – Sales Mentorship (2016)
・Stopwatch Copywriting - Jason Fladlien (2015)
・Life Coaching Course – Laudius (2014)
・Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker (2014)

Here`s Everything You Join The Coaching Course

1-Year Access To Impactful Course

Effective course with short, straight-to-the point lessons with the most successful strategies on content creation.

Available On App

All courses and lessons can be watched on mobile to make sure you find enough time to go through the material.

Practical Worksheets

The most powerful and effective exercises and chapters that explain step by step how to achieve results quickly.

Client Closer Community

Get feedback, ask for tips, and network with other like-minded coaches and consultants.

Kick-Off Call

A personal call with Filip where he'll give you some free business advice.

Who Is This For?

✅ Coaches serious about growing their online coaching business.
✅ Coaches ready to invest in themselves and their business.
✅ Coaches committed to taking action and implementing the strategies.
But it's NOT for:
❌ Those looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
❌ Coaches who aren't willing to put in the work

Who Is This For?

✅ If you are or want to be a coach or consultant.
✅ If you like to know how to create even more impact and results for your clients.
✅ If you like to know the best persuasion, mindset, and communication tool to promote positive change.
But it's NOT for you if:
❌ You are looking to manipulate clients in an unethical way.
❌ You don't have any (potential) skills or expertise to teach.
Get The FREE Course!

You Have 2 Options Now

Imagine standing at a crossroads that will define your coaching destiny. Two paths lie before you: the blue pill and the red pill. Which will you choose?

The blue pill leads you down a familiar, lonely road of trial and error, with no guidance or proven strategies. You're unconfident in your skills, feeling like an imposter an, struggling to put the puzzle pieces together to produce results for your clients.

Choose the red pill and you'll get the magical tools to build a thriving coaching business. Your clients become your biggest fans and your results speak for themselves. You know how to act, think, and speak like a transformational expert that truly makes an impact.

The choice is yours. Your coaching future hangs in the balance. Choose wisely.

Join The FREE Course!

⬇ Click the button below to get access to the course 


  • 3-Hour Course
  • 20 Lessons
  • 25-Page Coaching Bible
  • Practical Worksheets

  • 1-Year Access To Client Closer Community

  • Kick-Off Call With Filip